Male vs Female Bernedoodle Dog : Differences Explained

When it comes to choosing the perfect furry companion, Bernedoodles undoubtedly steal the show with their lovable traits and charming personalities.

Question that often arises in the minds of potential owners is whether to opt for a male or female Bernedoodle.

While both genders possess their own unique qualities, there are several aspects to consider when making this decision.

We will delve into the intriguing world of Male vs Female Bernedoodles and explore the key differences and similarities between these delightful four-legged friends.

Whether you’re a first-time dog owner or an experienced enthusiast, prepare to unravel the fascinating characteristics that make each gender so captivating in their own right.

Is a Male or Female Bernedoodle Better?

When it comes to choosing the perfect Bernedoodle companion, the question of whether a male or female is better often arises.

While there is no definitive answer to this query, understanding the inherent traits and characteristics of each gender can help guide your decision-making process.

Male Bernedoodles tend to be more outgoing and playful, making them an excellent choice for owners seeking an energetic and active furry friend.

Female Bernedoodles are often described as more affectionate and nurturing, making them ideal companions for individuals looking for a loving and gentle pet.

Personality and Temperament of Male vs Female Bernedoodles

Male and female Bernedoodles display distinct differences in both personality and temperament.

Every individual dog is unique, there are certain trends that can be observed among these two genders.

Male Bernedoodles tend to be more outgoing and assertive, often displaying a confident demeanor.

They are generally eager to explore their surroundings and may exhibit a higher level of independence.

Male vs Female Bernedoodle

Female Bernedoodles typically exhibit a more reserved and cautious nature. They tend to be more nurturing and affectionate, often forming strong bonds with their family members.

These females have been known to exhibit greater sensitivity towards others’ emotions and may take on a protective role within the household.

Size and Weight Differences – Male vs Female Bernedoodles

When it comes to Bernedoodles, there are distinct size and weight differences between males and females.

Generally speaking, male Bernedoodles tend to be slightly larger and heavier than their female counterparts.

Male Bernedoodles often reach a height of 23-29 inches at the shoulder, while females typically range from 21-27 inches.

In terms of weight, males can weigh anywhere from 70-90 pounds, whereas females usually weigh between 50-80 pounds.

Male vs Female Bernedoodle

These variations in size and weight can impact more than just appearance; they can also affect temperament and behavior.

Some owners claim that male Bernedoodles are more dominant and assertive compared to females who are often described as being gentler and more submissive.

It’s important to remember that every dog has its own unique personality regardless of its gender.

Health Issues Differences – Male vs Female Bernedoodles

Like humans, male and female Bernedoodles can have some differences when it comes to health issues. While both genders are prone to certain conditions, there are some variations worth noting.

Female Bernedoodles may be more susceptible to urinary tract infections due to the shorter urethra and closer proximity of the urethral opening to their rectum.

This makes it easier for bacteria to travel up and cause an infection. Male Bernedoodles may be at a higher risk of developing testicular cancer if they haven’t been neutered.

It’s important for owners of both male and female Bernedoodles to be aware of these gender-specific concerns.

Male vs Female Bernedoodle

Another difference is related to reproductive health. Female Bernedoodles will experience heat cycles approximately every six months unless they have been spayed.

During this time, they may exhibit behavioral changes such as restlessness or increased vocalization. Unspayed females are at risk for developing pyometra—an infection of the uterus—which can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Grooming and Coat Differences – Male vs Female Bernedoodle

Generally, male Bernedoodles tend to have a thicker and more abundant coat than their female counterparts.

This means that they may require more frequent brushing and grooming sessions to keep their coats in good condition.

Female Bernedoodles often have slightly shorter and less dense hair, reducing the need for as much attention when it comes to grooming.

Male vs Female Bernedoodle

When it comes to appearance, another distinction can be seen in the facial features of male and female Bernedoodles.

Male Bernedoodles typically possess a stronger and more defined head structure with larger jowls, resulting in a bolder look overall.

Female Bernedoodles usually showcase softer facial features with gentle curves and smaller jowls.

Behavioral Differences – Male vs Female Bernedoodle

Male and female Bernedoodles display distinct behavioral differences, showcasing their individual personalities and temperaments.

Male Bernedoodles often exhibit a more outgoing and adventurous nature. They tend to be highly active, inquisitive, and sometimes even mischievous.

With their boundless energy and curiosity, male Bernedoodles can make fantastic playmates for children or other pets.

Male vs Female Bernedoodle

Female Bernedoodles typically exhibit a calmer demeanor compared to their male counterparts.

They are often more composed and affectionate, displaying a natural inclination towards nurturing behaviors.

Female Bernedoodles tend to excel in motherly roles, making them exceptionally caring companions for households with young children or smaller animals.

Personality Differences – Male vs Female Bernedoodle

Male and female Bernedoodles may share the same adorable appearance, but when it comes to personalities, there are subtle yet intriguing differences between the two.

Both genders of this loving and intelligent breed tend to be affectionate and friendly, males often exude a more playful and active energy.

They thrive on engaging in physical activities such as fetching or running around in open spaces, demonstrating their energetic nature.

Male vs Female Bernedoodle

Female Bernedoodles typically exhibit a calmer demeanor compared to their male counterparts.

Although they still enjoy playtime and regular exercise, females usually focus more on bonding with their human companions.

Their nurturing instincts become apparent as they express increased sensitivity towards others’ emotions and make sure everyone around them is content.

Male vs Females Bernedoodles with Young Children

When it comes to choosing a Bernedoodle to welcome into your family, many factors must be considered, including the sex of the dog.

While temperament and training play crucial roles in how well a dog interacts with young children, there are some differences between male and female Bernedoodles that can influence their dynamics within a household.

While each dog is unique and individual personalities vary, it’s worth exploring some general characteristics that may help you make an informed decision.

Male Bernedoodles tend to be larger and more physically robust than their female counterparts.

This size difference can sometimes result in males unintentionally knocking over or being too boisterous for young children.

They often exhibit an inherent gentleness and patience that makes them excellent companions for kids.

Female Bernedoodles are generally smaller in stature but possess a slightly higher level of energy compared to males.

This extra energy can translate into more enthusiastic playtime with children but may require additional supervision to ensure everyone remains safe and happy.

Here is Bernedoodle Generations Explained (F1, F1B, F1BB, F2, F2B, F2BB, F3, Multigen).

What you want to Choose Male or Female Bernedoodle?

When it comes to choosing a Bernedoodle, many people wonder whether they should opt for a male or female.

There is no right or wrong answer, there are certain factors to consider that can help you make an informed decision.

One thing to keep in mind is that both male and female Bernedoodles can have distinct personality traits

Females tend to be more independent and reserved, while males are often more affectionate and outgoing.

If you’re looking for a cuddly companion who loves attention, a male Bernedoodle might be the perfect choice for you.

Factor to consider is size. Male Bernedoodles generally grow larger than their female counterparts, although this can vary depending on genetics.

If you’re searching for a bigger dog with a strong presence, a male Bernedoodle might be the way to go.

If you prefer a smaller and more manageable dog in terms of size, a female Bernedoodle could be the better option for you.


When choosing between a Male vs Female Bernedoodle, there are several important factors to consider. Males may be more dominant and independent, females tend to be more nurturing and affectionate.

The decision ultimately depends on the individual preferences and needs of the owner. It is crucial to remember that each dog has its own unique personality regardless of gender.

Whether you choose a male or female Bernedoodle, providing proper training, socialization, and love will result in a happy and well-adjusted companion.

So take your time, do your research, and find the perfect furry friend for you!